PSA Northeast Asia Supply Chain Private Limited (PSA Northeast Asia), a PSA International subsidiary, has signed an agreement with Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport), a German logistics company, to form a joint venture (JV) company named Multimodal Investments Pte Ltd (MIPL) in Singapore.

As per the agreement, duisport will take a stake in PSA’s current investments and will develop value-adding services for the customers in Asia. The first project that this will be implemented on is  on Sino Singapore Chongqing DC Multimodal Logistics (SSCDC) and the China United International Rail Co. (CUIRC) rail terminal network, two very important rail-sea corridor.

The JV will aim at enhancing current supply chain between the inland and sea terminals by developing physical and digital solutions for product redistribution and returns and also collaborate with global customers to make access to both land-locked and maritime markets in Asia easier.