NGCP is aiming to finish a critical Mindanao transmission project by the first quarter of 2019. The NGCP has stated that it was ahead of the June 2019 target for the 230 kV Mindanao Transmission Backbone Project, which will strengthen the capacity of the Matanao-Toril-Bunawan and the Balo-i-Maramag-Bunawan lines to 230 kV from 138 kV. The transmission backbone will accommodate renewable and conventional power plants in the northern and southern parts of Mindanao. With the completion of the project, large generating plants such as GNPower and San Miguel Corporation (SMC) will be able to connect to the grid, mitigating the vulnerabilities of hydropower plants and maximising the generating capability of incoming plants. The transmission backbone is an integral part of the Visayas-Mindanao Interconnection Project that will complete the link between the nation’s power grids.