The Indonesian government plans to commission nine toll roads in Indonesia from July to December 2018. The 43 km Pejagan-Pemalang toll road and 36 km Solo-Sragen toll road are expected to be inaugurated by end July 2018. The 51 km Sragen-Ngawi toll road and the 6 km Porong-Gempol toll road are expected to be operationalised in September 2018, while the 32 km Salatiga-Kartosuro toll road will be commissioned in October 2018. Further, in November 2018, the 33 km Pemalang-Batang toll road and the 74 km Batang-Semarang toll road will become operational. Lastly, the 37 km Wilangan-Kertosono toll road and the 44 km Pasuruan-Grati-Probolinggo toll road will be commissioned in December 2018. In addition to these toll roads, the Trans-Java toll road spanning 1,150 km is also expected to be operational by end 2018.